505 Games Brings Johnny Test to Nintendo DS

The high-energy world of Johnny Test is making its way to the Nintendo DS platform through 505 Games‘ latest adaptation of the popular animated series. This portable gaming venture aims to capture the show’s signature blend of scientific mishaps and comedic adventures in handheld format.

The game translates Johnny’s wild experiments and adventures into various gameplay mechanics that make clever use of the DS’s dual screens and touch capabilities. Players can control Johnny and his super-powered dog Dukey through various levels inspired by episodes of the show, while the top screen displays the action and the bottom screen offers interactive experiment controls and power-up management.

The game features appearances from familiar characters including Johnny’s genius sisters Susan and Mary, his arch-nemesis Bling-Bling Boy, and other fan favorites from the series. Each character brings their unique abilities and gadgets to the gameplay, offering different ways to tackle the game’s challenges. The signature art style of the show has been faithfully adapted to work within the DS’s technical capabilities.

Multiple game modes include story-driven missions, mini-games that make use of the DS’s unique features, and a collection of scientific experiments that players can conduct using the touch screen. The developers have focused on creating an experience that appeals to both fans of the show and newcomers to the Johnny Test universe.