Crysis 2 PC Multiplayer hacks already surfaced

It seems that Crytek’s bad luck continues, as the first hacks for Crysis 2′s multiplayer mode have already appeared. We knew it would happen someday, but we’d assumed it would be after the game’s launch. The fact that there are already hacks means that Crytek need to address them as soon as possible. Otherwise, the multiplayer mode will be dead before even anyone starts playing it. Add to all of these the sound issues, the absence of DX11 support, the limited graphical options and the text issues and it is quite obvious that the PC version needs some extra love.

There are two hacks that you might encounter in your multiplayer games. The Speedhack and the Spawnkill. We’ll avoid posting the video of the first hack for obvious reasons. The other one, Spawnkill, is more frustrating. Basically anyone that uses it can kill all the players that get spawned. xheadshotmastax had the opportunity to capture this hack and you can see it in the following video. We strongly suggest informing Crytek if you encounter any of these two (or more) hacks. Let’s just hope that they will fix them before it’s too late!