Trion Worlds has released a new trailer showcasing the Rogue class in their MMO Rift. The video highlights the class’s versatility and various combat abilities, giving potential players a detailed look at what they can expect when choosing this archetype.
The trailer demonstrates the Rogue’s different soul trees and specializations, showing how players can customize their playstyle through various ability combinations. Combat footage displays the class’s signature abilities, including stealth mechanics, dual-wielding combat, and ranged attacks with bows. The video emphasizes how Rogues can adapt to different combat situations by switching between melee and ranged combat styles.
Special attention is given to showing the various soul combinations available to Rogues, such as the Assassin, Ranger, and Saboteur paths. Each specialization is shown in action, with footage of different combat scenarios that highlight their unique strengths. The trailer also showcases some of the class-specific animations and effects that help distinguish Rogues from other classes in the game.
The video serves as both a gameplay guide and a promotional tool, helping new players understand the Rogue’s role in group content while highlighting the class’s appeal to different playstyles. Environmental footage shows Rogues in action across various zones in Telara, demonstrating their effectiveness in both PvE and PvP situations.